new guy checking in

pkaplan1 at pkaplan1 at
Thu Jul 17 17:33:07 UTC 2008

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Steven Davies-Morris <sdavmor at>
> Jimmy Montague wrote:
> > 
> > Right now I need some help with hdd administration. My system has 3
> >  hdds: I have two 80-gig ide Western Digitals. One is Master on the
> >  primary strap; the other is Master on the secondary strap. The
> > third drive is an 80-gig Maxtor mounted externally via USB.
> > 
> > Ubuntu formatted the WD on the primary strap. It is hda. Ubuntu did
> > NOT format either of the other two drives. The master on the
> > secondary strap is still formatted NTFS. So is the Maxtor. I want
> > EVERYTHING formatted Linux, in whatever fashion you guys think is
> > best.
> > 
> > How can I do that?
> I presume that you're running Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 (rather than Kubuntu
> or Xubuntu). And I presume that you've already got anything that you
> wanted off the two NTFS drives. :-)
> I'm very partial to GParted. A very good tool much like Partition
> Magic under Windows that you might want to have in your bag of tricks.
> Go here to download the CD ISO image (
> <>
> Reboot with it in place and use it to delete the partitions on the two
> NTFS drives and replace them with whatever you're using for Ubuntu,
> which is probably ext3 (the default).
> HTH...and welcome aboard.
> -- 

Since the two remaining drives are separate disks,

sudo apt-get install gparted

will install gparted which can then be run from within your installed distro.

Make sure you format hdb and hdc, not hda!!!

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