new guy checking in

Jimmy Montague rhetoric102 at
Thu Jul 17 16:53:16 UTC 2008

Hi all. I'm new here. I'm new to Ubuntu and almost new to Linux. I've
had dual-boot systems up and running several times in the past. I'm back
again only because I've discovered that OO will import my WordPerfect
files, and WordPerfect was the one thing that kept me glued to Mr. Bill.
Now I can bring my past life with me, I've decided to go with Linux
exclusively and wean myself from Mr. Bill in the process.

I was a DOS user in the days when DOS was all there was. I used MS-DOS
3.1, 4.5 and 5. Then I changed to DR-DOS 6 but shortly thereafter saw
I'd have to give it up. I installed Windows 3.1 in 1994 and have used
every version since -- until Vista. I never installed Vista and I never
will and I'll never pay $500 for an OS if I live to be 110 -- and I
won't. If it hadn't been for my WordPerfect habit I would have switched
long ago. I kept waiting, hoping Corel would see the light and give me a
real Linux version of WP, but they never did and they never will. Now OO
will do the chores, I'll go with OO.

Right now I need some help with hdd administration. My system has 3
hdds: I have two 80-gig ide Western Digitals. One is Master on the
primary strap; the other is Master on the secondary strap. The third
drive is an 80-gig Maxtor mounted externally via USB.

Ubuntu formatted the WD on the primary strap. It is hda. Ubuntu did NOT
format either of the other two drives. The master on the secondary strap
is still formatted NTFS. So is the Maxtor. I want EVERYTHING formatted
Linux, in whatever fashion you guys think is best.

How can I do that?   

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