How to get flash support in Ubuntu Hardy

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Jul 15 03:18:04 UTC 2008

On 07/14/2008 07:04 PM, debian wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 16:42 +0200, Christian wrote:

>> Where can I get Gnash?
>> Many thanks,
>> Christian
>> >-- 
>>From your terminal. Simply type "Sudo apt-get install gnash" and your
> good to go :)

My son did that on his laptop... took me nearly a full day to figure out
the problem and clean out all the gnash stuff and reinstall Sun Flash so
that he could youtube etc., again.

If you are not running 64bit then just download flash from
(tar.gz for Linux) extract and then create a plugins folder in your
.mozilla folder (directory): mkdir .mozilla/plugins
Now copy the to the .mozilla/plugins folder and
restart Fx etc. and you should be good to go.

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