claws mail- filtering on hardy

Jeffrey F. Bloss jbloss at
Mon Jul 14 23:50:46 UTC 2008

richard wrote:

> Hi, anyone out there who's an expert on  mail filtering with claws mail.
> I'd like to auto filter lists so that anything that I haven't started
> gets moved to junk.

The typical way to do that is to generate a unique Message-ID and
then filter on the References header. Works fine unless someone
breaks that header. 

In your case I'd create a filter for the account you're using for
lists something like...

~references matchcase "@g8jvm" | ~header "Message-ID" matchcase "@g8jvm"

That should trigger if the string "@g8jvm" isn't found in the
Message-ID or References header. The ~ means NOT and the | means
OR. And the "@g8jvm" seems unique enough. It's your machine name
basically, with the @ sign attached. That's how Claws-Mail
generates message ID's.

Set an action of...

mark_as_read move "#mh/Mailbox/Junk"

Make sure the folder "Junk" exists of course.

That will mark messages that don't have your "fingerprints" on them
read, and get them out of your way. You can also just send them to
the trash folder and have them deleted when your trash is normally
taken out, or flat out delete them on the spot. I'd go with moving
them to a folder until you know the filter works perfectly. I didn't
test it myself. ;)

     \|/      A lie gets halfway around the world before the
    (. .)         truth has a chance to get its pants on.
-ooo-(_)-ooo----------------------[ Sir Winston Churchill ]---

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