ubuntu 8.04 and suse 11 theme

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 14 18:49:38 UTC 2008

Gianluca Gargiulo wrote:
> Hi,


> i hope that anybody think i am crazy.
> i love ubuntu becouse it's fantastic distribution but i don't like ubuntu's 
> [h]uman  theme.
> there is some easy way to integrate opensuse theme into ubuntu??
> i like the camaleont head into window border and the color combination 
> green/grey/blue.
> it's possible???
> thank you

I don't know if the Suse theme is available for Ubuntu, but you have 
many other good themes to choose:

Install gnome-themes, gnome-themes-extras, and metacity-themes. The 
easiest way to change the theme in Gnome is to go into "System-> 
Preferences-> Appearance."

You might also consider installing sawfish and sawfish-themes. Right now 
I'm running with sawfish under Gnome*. If you want to change the looks 
of the window borders in sawfish, use the "sawfish-ui" program.

Post back to the list if you want help to enable sawfish under Gnome, 
because the solution is a little "geeky." :-)

* I'm actually running both sawfish and metacity in different X server 
instances /at the same time/. How's that for geeky?

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