Active Directory, winbind kerberos

Jonathan McLoughlin jonathan.mcloughlin at
Mon Jul 14 11:13:42 UTC 2008

I work in a medium size organization and attempting to integrate a
Ubuntu 8.04 machine into and AD infrastructure.

I have followed details on nad have
had success with this.
There are a small few annoying issues however that I am hoping to iron
out and would appreciate assistance.

When logging in with GDM it authenticates the user from kerberos yet
when you get logged in the kerberos ticket is not available, a klist
will show this

So, what is needed then is a kinit to grab a ticket, i would like if
it grabbed the ticket at GDM time, any ideas why it is doing this?

Also, with a kerberos ticket, if i use nautilus to browse to a windows
share it seems to want to do NTLM first as it asks for a password, if
i hit cancel it then appears to go and get the cifs kerberos ticket
and browse the network share, any ideas on this one?

Has any got any additional tricks for AD integration?


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