Grub's menu.lst updating

Peter Hillier-Brook phb at
Sun Jul 13 16:47:47 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I've just endured a few hours of trying to get the new kernel - 
>> 2.6.24-19-generic - into menu.lst. update-grub goes through the
>> motions, finding the kernel and claiming to have performed the
>> update, but a quick look at the file reveals no change.
>> I finally did the obvious and directly edited the file, but I would
>> like to know what the problem is with the automated route. Anyone
>> have any comments?
>> Peter HB
> No fear Peter, I got my 19 and it is entered in menu.lst by update. 
> It even included a nVidia file for those who use it.
> Tell us more if you can about why your update failed.

During the Synaptic updating process I replied "no" to a "do you want to 
use a new 'menu.lst' that is available, or retain your original?" 
Obviously I paraphrase the dialogue as it is no longer available, but 
the general sense is correct.

The kernel was successfully downloaded, but not entered into the grub 
menu, so I assumed that "update-grub" would fix up my original 
"menu.lst". It claimed to have done so, but hadn't!

Peter HB

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