Really slow install

Sam Currie sam.currie at
Fri Jul 11 04:25:13 UTC 2008

> Hey,
> XP seeing only 3.4GB of your ram is not itself indicitive of RAM
> failure. Have a look at an explanation like this:
> (short version: 4GB (32bit) addressable space includes ram + video
> memory + other)
> You mentioned that your system passed the 'CD Test', was this the CD
> integrity check 'Check CD for defects' or have you tried to run the
> CD's 'Test Memory' option?
> The 'Test Memory' option should give you a (more) definitive answer as
> to whether the RAM is actually at fault.
> cheers,
> Owen.

Hey Owen,

Your right, I'd forgotten the 4GB ram issue with Windows.  I did
further testing after sending my last email and either dimm works well
by itself or combined with a 1 GB dimm for a total of 3 GB.

I'll run the Memory Test option tonight.

Is there any known 4 GB of RAM issues with Ubuntu or linux? I'm
wondering if I need a kernel switch to get this going properly.

Thank you,


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