apt-get system reinstallation

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Thu Jul 10 12:51:44 UTC 2008

sktsee wrote:

> Bart:
> In answer to your question about package verification, use the md5sum
> tool to check individual file integrity of installed packages.
> (must be run from "/")
> $ md5sum -c /var/lib/dpkg/info/<packagename>.md5sums
> Of course, this won't cover self-packaged software or packages from
> 3rd-party repos that don't include a md5sums file.

Seems to be a good way to do the verification! I was running this on the 
"firefox flash working" system to test (it has less software installed 
so wouldn't take as long), running in one terminal and getting:
>  sudo md5sum -c /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums > /home/bsilver/results.txt
> [sudo] password for bsilver: 
> md5sum: WARNING: 9 of 1938 computed checksums did NOT match
> md5sum: WARNING: 9 of 1938 computed checksums did NOT match
> md5sum: WARNING: 9 of 1938 computed checksums did NOT match
> md5sum: WARNING: 9 of 1938 computed checksums did NOT match

I was guessing they're config files of some kind, but running
> cat results.txt |grep -i " OK "
(yes, I know this isn't as elegant as it could be...) yielded *no* 
results...so only the OK's are being redirected into results.txt?

I looked at the man page for md5sum and there's nothing I saw about only 
showing results that aren't OK. Stupid question, I know there's some way 
to do this with the shell, but is there a way to redirect the errors?

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