24 hour clock in Evolution

Rick rufus at hanadari.net
Thu Jul 10 03:40:51 UTC 2008

It has been recommended that I use a pure Ubuntu program instead of one
of those "third party" thingies, so here I am asking about Evolution. In
Calendar, the 24 hour day is displayed, but in Mail, I see AM and PM. I
have searched the sources, but have found nowhere to change the mail
listings to the 24 hour clock. I will greatly appreciate your assistance
in solving this problem.

By the way, in Nautilus the dates are shown day - month - year, whereas
in Evolution they display as month - day - hour (AM/PM). This will
certainly be rectified when I learn how to make the change in Evolution.




Currently running Ubuntu 8.04. First Linux was Suse 4.2 in 1996. Tried
out a distro every year since then, waiting for required performance.
Ubuntu 8.04 is the longest trial ever, though it still lacks certain

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