The best Server

Rashkae ubuntu at
Wed Jul 9 14:19:41 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I just ran a experiment and it was a total success. I am using 
> Ubuntu Hardy desktop version and I suggest everyone using a Server load 
> the normal Live-CD. You end up with a great stand alone computer you can 
> then convert to a Server.
>     The basic conversion takes place in a terminal window. There type $ 
> sudo init 1 and when you give your password the computer drops to a 
> Server mode. From here you can forget the GUI tools and do all the 
> things your used to on the command line.
>     I would like someone to measure the speed of the regular Ubuntu in 
> this Server mode. I expect it is identical to what you get if you load 
> just a Server.
>     Now your Server can be worked on as a desktop when you need it. 
> Other wise it runs as a Server.
> Karl

Woa, this is complete nonsense.  Runlevel 1 is Single User mode.  Not
only does it not use graphics, but it also doesn't load any network
daemons.. you know, those things the server is supposed to be
exclusively for....

The real difference between server and desktop is the choice of default
packages.  If you want a server that can also double as a workstation
when needed (a good idea in most cases, methinks), either install server
packages on your desktop, or install ubuntu-desktop package on your
server, then remove gdm from your runlevel 2.  That way, at boot, non of
the graphic apps are loaded (because as conventional Slashdot wisdom
asserts, having X running in the background is a huge drain on resources
of your server.. </sarcasm>.  If you then want to use a desktop on your
server, log in at terminal and re-acquaint yourself with good ol' "starx"

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