'top' command question

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 8 00:47:32 UTC 2008

On 07/07/2008 05:22 PM, Robert Dailey wrote:
> Hi,
> Right now I'm trying to find all running processes in 'top' by command
> name. For example, I want to find all processes with a command of
> 'iperf', I have an iperf daemon running and I need to find the PID for
> it in the list so I can kill it with <k>. How can I navigate the list
> of processes in 'top'? Note that I'm using Ubuntu Server 8.
> Thanks.

Start top with a delay, so that it slows down the update:

top -d10

Then use Shift 'R' to swap the top and bottom pages so that you can see
what they are. But it's easier to use ps aux:

ps aux | grep iperf

the first number to the right of the User will be the PID.

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