Moving open files

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Jul 7 17:13:22 UTC 2008

2008/7/7 Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at>:
> I think you will find that your "bug" will be rejected......
> First thing you should be aware of is that OO does not work on any of the
> documents you open directly.  It creates copies in a tmp directory and it
> works on that copy, plus what it keeps in memory.  This allows it to keep
> track of changes and easily create an undo and redo list.  These temp files
> are also used in the event a recovery is needed.

Actually, that much I did know, or at least suspected.

> OO is oblivious to you having moved the file.  When you hit "save" it simply
>  overwrites the existing file (if it exists) or creates a file if it doesn't.

This is what I had suspected as well.

> Bottom line, there is no way for the mv command to signal OO that the file
> has been moved or renamed.

Ah! But why is there no lock file? In MS Windows XP one cannot move or
delete an open file.

> Everything is working as designed and the users gain some understanding.

There should be a lock file.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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