How to find: Solved

H.S. hs.samix at
Mon Jul 7 15:22:38 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:

>     I found it in /tmp but tried $locate and it fails. I have no idea 
> why it failed. I now have the file on my desktop with a .flv and all the 
> movie viewers work.

When the browser tries to play a file (audio, vidoe, image, etc), it 
saves it in /tmp. When you actually download a file (right click -> save 
target as), then it saves at the default location (Desktop) or asks 
where you want to save it to.

The locate command fails in what way? IIRC, it successfully find a file 
only after the file has been "seen" by the locate commands archiving 
ability. No way how it works though.

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