same mutt email but revised
Christopher Lemire
christopher.lemire at
Sun Jul 6 05:39:00 UTC 2008
Thanks for the response. I appreciate it. I googled to find and example
.mutt_aliases, and came up with the wrong search results. Do you mind
pasting a sample of a .mutt_aliases, so that way when I try to read the
documentation again, it will make more sense.
On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Hal Burgiss <hal at> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 02:17:43AM -0500, Christopher Lemire wrote:
> >
> > 1. I do not always remember the exact email address of someone I want to
> > send to, so I have been using tab completion in the gmail web
> > interface. That allows me to do several things. If I remember or guess
> > the first part of and email, I can get a list of emails shown below
> > the address bar that match what I have typed and choose the correct
> > one. When I've been opening up Mutt to send a new email, the to: field
> > only contains the address if it's a reply, and I tried to use that for
> > the Mutt mailing list, but ended up getting the email of the person
> > who sent the email to the group rather than the groups email. What's
> > the solution to this?
> What key do you hit to 'reply'? You can set up mailing lists in
> .muttrc, then use 'L' to reply to the list. (Also, 'g' is handy for
> replying to 'all' and there is a me_too setting so you don't get
> copied on 'all').
> > Do I need to tediously memorize all email addresses? Is there some
> > type of address book in Mutt that I can browse and then point to the
> > one that I want to send an email to. What works for you experienced
> > Mutt users.
> ~/.mail_aliases is the default. You probably have to tell mutt about
> this in .muttrc. When I start a new mail, I get a 'To:' prompt first
> in the terminal, then type a partial email address and then hit 'Tab',
> which gives me a scrollable list of matches. There is a muttrc setting
> for this as well. There is a similar setting for cc if you do a lot of
> cc'd mail.
> > Just wondering if it is possible to import my gmail contact list
> > into Mutt. I can export it from Gmail into two formats, one of which
> > could possibly work with Mutt, or if I have to, I'll do it by hand.
> The question is does gmail export the list? Then it becomes a matter
> of scripting. Probably somebody has done it, so googling might work.
> The format of .mail_aliases is simple:
> nickname Real Name <realname at>
> The first space is the delimiter.
> >
> > 2. It appeared that Mutt was automatically
> > deleting emails after I had read them. This scared me.
> This must be a setting in your muttrc (or lack of one), because in 10
> years of using mutt, I've not had this happen. By default, my mail is
> saved in the current mailbox. There is 'save-hook' feature that uses
> regular expression if you want mails automatically saved somewhere
> else.
> > Is there anything else I should know or looks like I'm missing?
> Probably, there's a world of flexibility there.
> BTW, any server that I have a mailbox on, I set it up where I can
> remotely access it remotely. So at work, I ssh/mutt my home
> mail, or vice versa. I control the firewalls in both places so its
> easy that way. If I am traveling and don't feel like leaving stuff wide
> open, I use procmail to forward all mail to gmail (I don't use gmail on
> a regular basis because its too freakin slow viz a viz mutt and I can't
> use vim with my customized vimrc on gmail/firefox and that is hugely
> limiting for me. I use vim as both the mutt pager and composer because it
> is infinitely, or seemingly so, configurable). I know you probably
> don't need this aspect, but thought I would mention it since combining
> procmail with mutt can be greatly helpful in some situations.
> --
> Hal
> --
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Christopher Lemire <christopher.lemire at>
Fedora 64 bit Linux Raid Level 1
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