Looking for an picture management program - ideas please.

Kim Briggs patiodragon at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 15:24:20 UTC 2008

On 7/4/08, H.S. <hs.samix at gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris G wrote:
>  > Even if I use numbers for the months (01 - Jan, 02 - Feb, etc.) it's
>  > not a perfect solution because different directories for the same
>  > month will still not be sorted correctly (e.g. April above).
> If you are taking digital pictures, one of the solutions could be name
>  the files based on their dates of creation using their exif information.
>  And then to put those in an appropriately named folder.

If you don't have an automatic way of renaming your JPGs by their
timestamp, here is a script that will work under Ubuntu if you install
the exiv2 program (not applicable to photos from the 60s, I know...):



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