su command question

Alan Milnes deep64blue at
Sat Jul 5 07:13:16 UTC 2008

Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-07-05 at 00:40 +0100, Alan Milnes wrote:
>> Smoot Carl-Mitchell wrote:
>>> This is incorrect.  The script will run with the privileges of a user in
>>> the "root" group, instead of the user ventrilo. I am not sure what
>>> happens with the above, since by default there are no users in the
>>> "root" group.  You could do this, however:
>> Well I carefully tested it on my system and it works as expected - the 
>> script runs as root, doesn't require a password and successfully carries 
>> out the command.
> Exactly my point.  The original poster wanted the script to run as the
> user "ventrilo" and *not* as the user "root".

No he didn't - read the post again.  His requirement was to run it 
without a password prompt - he was using his user name as he knew it 
needed super user privileges.


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