Examples of home server use // Publishing a book on Ubuntu servers

Bud Roth junk at taiotoshi.org
Thu Jul 3 17:34:03 UTC 2008

In addition to an Apache server used to model working webpages, I have a
MythTV and Asterisk VOIP box that I would never part with.  I also
intend to get hylafax up and running shortly.

I'd reconsider the decision not to publish the Ubuntu-based book.
Although the advice is probably generic to linux (and the server
software), there are distribution-specific issues (like apt-getting the
right files) and there are common server issues that need to be dealt
with in accord with the specific distribution's protocols and
distribution of files:

1.  Is the config file in /etc or /usr/local/etc?
2.  Where are the html docs?  /var/www?  Somewhere else?  (I
miss /home/apache.)
3.  Does the distribution alter the config files like Debian does for

For a new to intermediate user, the distribution-specific details to
working matters that involve the location of files can make or break a
successful install.  Your reader base won't be the Yahoo! web server
administrator but probably some regular dude like myself that wants
information that is painless to replicate.  Ubuntu, because of its
stable, debian-based plethora of software is attractive to the kind of
person that would read your book.  The distro is the most popular now,
so you maximize your chances of finding "distro-specific" readers. 

My 2 cents,


On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 08:30 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> > Alan Milnes wrote:
> >   
> >> Karl Larsen wrote:
> >>     
> >>>     I was asked to review a book almost done for those who want a server 
> >>> using Ubuntu. As I read the thing it became clear that ANY server has 
> >>> Administration issues and they are not just for Ubuntu. I read the part 
> >>> about making a email server and all of that is independent of Linux type.
> >>>
> >>>     So I told the book company to not publish this book. If they want it 
> >>> to sell it it needs to be about Linux, not Ubuntu.
> >>>     What do you think?
> >>>       
> >> I think you made a mistake. People trying to learn need clear guidance 
> >> focussed on the distribution they are using. A generic book gets too big.
> >>     
> >
> > I think I'm curious how someone's picked to review a book on Ubuntu 
> > before publication by a publisher if you're not an established name in 
> > the publishing industry unless it's a book written by a friend who's 
> > trying to self-publish?...
> >
> >   
>     Look at this:
> http://www.manning.com/galvin)
> Karl
> -- 
> 	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
> 	Linux User
> 	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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