xrandr problem

Oguz Yarimtepe comp.ogz at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 09:14:12 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I was trying to clone my LCD display to VGA. HDMI and S-Video output.
I was succesful with the VGA though i couldn't manage to get anything
from my tries to HDMI and S-Video. What i did was the usual things:

I check the xrandr -q output and then tried to clone the display as

xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --output TMDS-1 --mode 1024x768

The HDMI devise is flickered and i thought i will see my LCD screen
but it went to blank screen again. I tried different resolutions but
this time it never flickered.

At the S-Video, i even didn't see any flickering. So i may be missing

For the HDMI part, if i use arandr and disable LVDS and enable TMDS-1
with a suitable resolution it worked. But the same approach didn't
work for S-Video. So there may be something about xorg settings that i
should fix. I played the xorg so i didn't check the current situation.
I added my xorg and lspci output.

Oğuz Yarımtepe
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