loss of Preferences

Willis Taylor gods-servant at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 28 22:54:33 UTC 2008

Wulfy wrote:
> Willis Taylor wrote:
>> I recently used synaptic, from Ubuntu 7.10, and installed KDE 3.5 
>> Desktop.  It's fantastic but having MS I've mostly lost the use of my 
>> right arm and need to operate my Track Ball from the left.  I make 
>> the System changes and everything is fine until I reboot.  On 
>> rebooting I get two messages each time;
>> .. The first informs me that my Preferences cannot be saved because  
>> /home/<my log on>/kde/share/config/koonquerorrc is not writable.
>> .. The second follows the same path up to /config/kickerrc and it has 
>> the same problem.
>> I went to my home file and from there created kde/share/config and 
>> there created the two ending files and in permissions made them 
>> writable.  Still, I have the problem.  Please, where did I go wrong?
> It's "/home/<your log on>/.kde/share/config". Note the "." before 
> kde?  It means it's a hidden file so you'll need to Show Hidden Files 
> on your Konqueror's View menu.  All the files in that folder and below 
> should belong to you.  If they don't, that's why you can't write to them.
Thanks a million and the files are indeed there.  The permissions read 
-rw on both, is that not correct?  I'm sorry but I was a dyed in the 
wool Windows dummy until a couple of months ago.
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