
Wulfy wulfmann at
Mon Jan 28 22:30:31 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I enjoy using Skype a Internet voice system. I tried to get a Fedora 
> version working but it has too many libs not found :-)
>     Will try the web page and see if they have one for Ubuntu.
> Karl
It's in the Medibuntu repo...  Add the following to your sources.list

# Medibuntu multimedia packages
# GPG key: 0C5A2783
deb gutsy free non-free
deb-src gutsy free non-free

and update as usual.  If you're not using Gutsy, change it to the 
version you're using.



Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack.
Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.
Copyright July 17, 1988 by Del Goetz

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