Missing routes after rebooting - back up box

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Mon Jan 28 22:09:53 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Glenn S wrote:
> Hello All,
> Something strange I thought - but I have a Ubuntu Proxy server that had
> its first reboot with me around, i have noticed that when the machine
> reboots - it looses the route settings for our network.
> I have to keep manually adding the routes in for the difference networks.
> My question - Where can i stick these in that even if the machine
> reboots etc - the routes remain lodged in after the interfaces are back
> online?

are you still running network manager on there or something else which
might get in the way?


> and my second question -
> I want a FULL system backup of that box excluding any rubbish not needed
> to rebuild that server if needed.
> I know you use tar but not sure what folders to include and exclude ?
> I would like to test rebuild using a virtual server with these backup files.

look at mondoarchive for this, it will build bootable cd images which
you can use to restore your entire system from bare metal.

$ sudo apt-get install mondo mondo-doc mindi mindi-busybox

- -d

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