Cant delete/remove files in /opt

Alexandra Zaharia f0rg3r at
Fri Jan 25 13:51:38 UTC 2008

On 1/25/08, Rajat <a.rajat at> wrote:
> For some reason I am not able to remove any files from /opt directory. It
> says permission denied. Also chmod doesn't wanna work
> For super user access i typed in su but the password - the same admin
> password with which I install\mount\login doesn't work !
You mean your situation is something like:

(Suppose you have a file owned by root:root in /opt)

root at box:~# touch /opt/aaa
root at box:~# ls -l /opt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2008-01-25 15:45 aaa

Then as a regular user you'd try:

user1 at box:~$ rm /opt/aaa
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file `/opt/aaa'? y
rm: cannot remove `/opt/aaa': Permission denied
user1 at box:~$ sudo rm /opt/aaa
[sudo] password for user1: #enter password here

...Now the file will be removed. Just make sure you're not removing
something your system needs ;-)
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