HELP needed urgently!

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Tue Jan 22 20:32:50 UTC 2008


I have a big problem.
I have a root partition of 12 GB, a separate home partition and a spare 
partition. Today the root partition got filled up and in order to create 
room I decided to activate the spare partition as the /usr sub part.

So I mounted the spare partition on /mnt and did
cp -a /usr/* /mnt

When finished I edited fstab to have the spare partition mounted as 
/usr. I moved /usr to /usr1 and mounted the spare partition as /usr. 
This worked fine and I worked on for a couple of hours at work.

This evening the system entered into a (how is it called) shell, where I 
had to enter the passwd for root (luckily I enabled root after install). 
The new /usr partition was mounted but the encrypted home partition 
(with luksOpen and mapper) was not ready. Also no network devices were 
configured.  I managed to get the encrypted partition mounted and had 
some trouble with the network, but I got finally to write this mail.

How come I have this problem now (since /usr was correctly mounted) and 
most of all, can you give me a solution real fast please!

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