Can I use Debian DVD's to install on Ubuntu

Karl Goetz karl at
Mon Jan 21 04:24:41 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 14:12 +1030, squareyes wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a 3 DVD set of Debian 4 "Etch", and was wondering if I can use 
> them to
> install applications like Scribus, Inkscape etc. on Ubuntu 7.04 ?

No is the short answer.
Not safely, and without causing major long term issues is the longer

> I have friends who have Ubuntu running on machines with no Internet access,
> and thought if I could add the DVD's to their (mine too, have slow dial up)
> apt.sources list and use them as repositories. Would save them bringing 
> their boxes here
> and installing via my slow dialup.
> Are there any problems that may rear their ugly heads.

yes. package conflicts of all sorts :/

> Many thanks in advance.
> Take Care
> Winton
Karl Goetz <karl at>

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