How to restore GRUB?

Mike Adolf mlnx at
Wed Jan 23 14:59:29 UTC 2008

Knute Johnson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wanna ask how to restore GRUB after installing windows vista. Cause 
>> windows installation changing master boot record to its partition, 
>> meanwhile the Linux is inside. So how it works then to restore the GRUB 
>> thus I will have dual-boot.
>> Thanks
>> best regards
>> eric
> I haven't done it with Ubuntu but I have with Fedora.  Here is the 
> procedure that I used for my two disk system with XP on the first 
> drive and F8 on the second.  Adjust as necessary for your system.
> 1) Boot with rescue CD
> 2) Do not do the chroot
> 3) Run grub
> 4) grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 or find /grub/stage1
>     Grub answers (hd1,0) or similar
> 5) grub> root (hd1,0)   -  set the root for grub
> 6) grub> setup (hd0)   -  write the MBR on the first drive
>     Grub prints a bunch of stuff
> 7) Reboot
> Do this wrong and you can have a real mess :-).
> I tried to use the Ubuntu Alternate disk rescue mode but wasn't able 
> to get it to work.  You can download a Fedora rescue disk if you 
> don't have one, they are only about 100mb.  Go to the mirrors site, 
> select a mirror close to you, and then find the 
> ???/releases/F8/Fedora/i386/iso directory and download the 
> rescuecd.iso and burn it to a CD.
I just did it yesterday with Ubuntu 7.10 and it worked fine.


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