GNome Partition Editor

Jason E. Dorfler JDorfler at
Wed Jan 23 07:16:46 UTC 2008

I have a 2Gb Data Traveler thumb drive that had a Win Virus on it.  I 
decided to use my Ubuntu half of my dual boot, (I use it more than WinXP 
now, it's awesome.)  I deleted everything off of the thumb drive and it 
is now virus free, but I also wanted to use the partition editor to 
reformat the thumb drive to fat32 to make doubly sure that there is 
nothing left on the drive.  At this time, after I tried, I received an 
error stating it was not possible to format the drive.  Is there a thumb 
drive formatter out there that can do this for me with Ubuntu?  Thanks.

Go Ubuntu!
Jason E. Dorfler

MS WinXP Pro sp2      / Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy
Thunderbird   /
Firefox      /
Open 2.3.1 / 2.3.1

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