
Martin Marcher martin at marcher.name
Tue Jan 22 14:30:07 UTC 2008

GĂ©rard BIGOT wrote:
> Let me explain things here.  Ubuntu changed the traditional way to deal
> with the root account by locking it. And by providing a way to acquire
> temporary root rights (sudo). It's a clever and creative way. But it's a
> change nevertheless.

Just plain NO. sudo has existed long before ubuntu.

> All the other distribs (even debian), use root normally. There's more
> chance for a documentation to be written for another distrib than for
> debian . You need to be aware of this distinction.

Err still no, I have a couple of old boxes where root had no valid password
and sudo was used, this one doesn't really count for ubuntu....

> I see the ubuntu new way to do this making progress in its awareness. But
> you can't change more than 50 years of tradition.

isn't the tradition to be traditionally able to modify the system to *your*

> Sorry, I feel like a dinosaure to know this.

it may be the default, but it's by no means enforced.



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