ubuntu studio

thomas fisher studio1 at commspeed.net
Mon Jan 21 06:53:12 UTC 2008

On Sunday 20 January 2008 23:22:20 astraljava at kapsi.fi wrote:
> > hello,
> Howdy,
> > Is it safe to add ubuntu studio to the list of apt sources in standard
> > ubuntu? at the moment I have a line like this:
> That archive doesn't exist anymore. Ubuntu Gutsy has all the Ubuntu Studio
> specific packages inside the official repositories, so it is adviced to
> upgrade to that release instead.
> --
> Jaska
  What packages make Ubuntu Studio? Most of the graphic art and high 
resolution audio packages seem to perform fine in the regular release 
including the rt kernel.  Are there some performance tunings that are 
different? Or is just eye candy?

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