Noobie question -- Firestarter

andy baxter andy at
Sun Jan 20 19:45:52 UTC 2008

Nik wrote:
> In article <47939D7F.4020007 at>,
>    Fred Schuelzky <phredsky at> wrote:
>> How can i start firestarter on boot up?
> You don't want to do that!
> Firestarter is just a front end to iptables, which is the standard firewall
> in Ubuntu.  This should be started automagically when Ubuntu boots,
> presumably at the same time that networing is brought up.
> Therefore any rules that you make using Firestarter will always be there.
> Nik
Are you sure about this? I thought that changes to iptables were stored 
in the kernel memory, so not preserved between boots unless a script in 
/etc/init.d specifically re-creates them.

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