DeviceGuru's Open letter to Mark Shuttleworth

steve sfreilly at
Sun Jan 20 03:34:38 UTC 2008

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Conrad Knauer wrote:
| I note, via that a blogger has
| posted an open letter to SABDFL
| ---
| Dear Mark,
| In order to maximize brand awareness, I recommend that you brand all
| forms of Ubuntu (i.e. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, etc.) as
| various "Editions" of Ubuntu.
| So, for example, you might end up with something along the lines of:
|     * Ubuntu GNOME Edition (aka "Ubuntu")
|     * Ubuntu KDE Edition
|     * Ubuntu Xfce Edition
|     * Ubuntu Educational Edition
|     * Ubuntu Server Edition (as is)
| I think it's critical to focus as much attention as possible on a
| single brand, Ubuntu, to maximize its adoption and success. Given the
| already fragmented nature of Linux, why fragment a specific
| distribution unnecessarily?
| It'd be great if I could finally be a Ubuntu user! I can't help it, I
| just happen to prefer KDE over GNOME ;-) But I'd feel more part of the
| Ubuntu community if the OS I run on the Black Tower was called Ubuntu.
| cheers,
| Rick
| ---
| I don't have a stong opinion on this, though I tend to lean more
| towards the Tectonic POV, which is that "I don't see at as being
| necessary - all the versions are already based around the Ubuntu name,
| as are the logos based on the original Ubuntu theme with their own
| distinctive flavour."
| But I thought I'd post it here for comment.
| CK

heres a better idea.  drop all the "edu", "xu", "ku" like he asks, and
let the installer decide what they want when they install like every
other distro. isnt uniformity what we should be after?  OR just install
all 3 if they want, its not that much extra space.  im betting the
percentage of users who have more than one desktop environment installed
is pretty great.  like me, i have kde, xfce, and gnome installed.  i use
gnome everyday, but kde has some great packages which i use as well.

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