How to properly compile a kernel? Sub theme - Is it intentionally to make it hard to rebuild a Ubuntu kernel?

Wolf Canis mr_canis at
Sat Jan 19 13:38:17 UTC 2008

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> On Fr, 2008-01-18 at 23:22 +0100, Josef Wolf wrote:
>>> i am surprised that wolf claims he likes ubuntu for its written words
>>> but didnt discover the governance structure (community council,
>>> technical board, loco teams etc) of the distro yet :)
>> Please don't get confused.  There are _two_ wolf's involved in this
>> thread.  There is "Wolf Canis", and there is "Josef Wolf" (that is me)
> well, i meant wolf canis indeed, referring to:
> "I haven't any problems, I use Gentoo. But I would like use Ubuntu,
> because I like the philosophy, the written form, but that's an other
> story."
> ... while he claims that canonical decided to disable (or make it hard
> for ) users to compile a kernel intentionally (which is not true since
> canonical cant make such decisions).
That can be. In my previous post I provide the evidence that it is
to make it not easy to recompile the kernel provided by Ubuntu.
W. Canis
>>>> For me, the reason is to activate low-latency-desktop.  This is needed
>>>> to get a smooth video playback with vdr-sxfe.  You just can't change
>>>> scheduler strategy by only compiling additional modules.
>>> thats why there is a -lowlatency kernel package in universe that
>>> fulfills exactly this purpose and works with the shipped -modules
>>> packages ;)
>> I am not really sure.  Is -lowlatency really identical to
>> low-latency-desktop?
> well, its the kernel ubuntustudio uses to improve their media handling
> so i'd suspect it is ... (hmm, after taking a deeper look i noticed that
> the package was renamed -rt in gutsy, not -lowlatency anymore).
And this kernel works fine, is compiled for the i586 processor family.
On my wife's  laptop (Dell Inspiron 6400  Intel Dual Core)
is this kernel installed. Try in synaptics the meta package linux-rt, it
should pop up a
box in where all related packages are listed.
W. Canis

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