Jpilot and Treo: backup broke my PDA
SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux
i-ubux at
Sat Jan 19 12:45:24 UTC 2008
On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 12:26 +0100, Walter Garcia-Fontes wrote:
> * Florin Andrei [19/01/08 02:53]:
> > Treo 650, Ubuntu 7.10, Jpilot- compiled from source
> > The Linux software needs to improve a lot before it's actually usable.
> > Seems like a regression to me - I remember using Jpilot with my old Palm
> > m100, and then with the Visor Platinum, just fine. But nowadays it's a
> > mess. It fails to even initiate the backup/sync, and when it does
> > succeed, it breaks the PDA. That's not fun at all.
> JPilot seems to be frozen in development since a year ago or so, but
> nevertheless in my case with Gutsy and a TREO 650 it synchronizes
> without a glitch.
> I synchronize it at work with Fedora Core 5 and at my lapto with
> Ubuntu Gutsy. It's sort of funny because in the first box I have to
> press the JPilot sync button around 2 or 3 seconds, no more nor less,
> or it doesn't syncrhonize, and in my laptop I have to just slightly
> click it, otherwise it ignores the press. But at Gutsy it's easier,
> the slight press is easier than the 2 or 3 seconds...
> --
> Walter Garcia-Fontes
> Barcelona
Hi Walter & Florin
You two have totally different experiences and results.
With WIN XP Pro a Treo 680 sync's perfectly !
With Ubuntu 7.10 is no success till now and I wonder about
2 settings:
1) JPilot in Ubuntu offers a variety of languages !!
What language do I really choose ??
2) The user id in Ubuntu is different from the Palm !!
Trying to install accordingly to Palm's User ID and its number (!?)
isn't successfull. :-(
What am I doing wrong or what should I do ???
One more difficulty:
With the notebook docked ...
... there is NO USB and sync seems unable to work !?
What do you suggest to watch and pay special attention ???
TIA for your help and hints ;-)
Cheers, svobi
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