How to properly compile a kernel?

sktsee sktsee at
Sat Jan 19 02:01:22 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-01-19 at 03:11 +1100, Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:38:59 +0100
> Oliver Grawert <ogra at> wrote:
> > decisions like the kernel package split are driven by technical, legal
> > or usability reasons (with focus on the enduser (read: ease of use of
> > the binary packages))
> Do *any* of the Gutsy or Hardy kernels currently actually work with frame
> buffer? ( vga=788 etc. )
> The last standard/ generic or i386 kernel to work with vesafb appears to be
> the Feisty kernel... I have tested  Gutsy and Hardy kernels, and both
> seem at least to require initramfs config changes for fbcon and vesafb and
> "update-initramfs -u"  - but whether this is a general "solution" is not at
> all clear, since it seems to be hardware-dependent.
> This bug has been around since at least August 2007...
> ( side note: Have a look at the length of the list of subscribers to this
> bug, and the general frustration expressed in the comments. )
>  This breaks apps that expect to use the frame buffer, makes using
> Ubuntu without X either unpleasant or impossible, and for some people
> actually results in completely blank tty virtual terminals. 
> Peter

Vesafb works on my Gutsy system. I had to change a couple things and
generate a new initrd image, but it's working. 


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