Network Manager without a password

Colin Brace cb at
Fri Jan 18 20:55:15 UTC 2008

On Jan 18, 2008 9:40 PM, Iradigalesc <iradigales at> wrote:

> I have GDM configured to automatically login to my account and Network
> Manager asks me the password every time to activate the wireless...

I recall this might have something to do with the fact that you may
have chosen a different password for the gnome keyring than for your
login account.

I would check out gnome-keyring-manager, read man pages, google it etc.

I use NM and it never prompts me to connect to my WAP, but then I
don't use WEP or any other kind of wireless-specific security (just a
firewall) on my wireless LAN.

  Colin Brace

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