Noobie question??

Fred Schuelzky phredsky at
Fri Jan 18 20:38:08 UTC 2008

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 13:41 -0600, Fred Schuelzky wrote:
>> ctrl alt f2
> Then you will probably have to do Ctrl Alt F7. 
> Is there a special reason for why you open a terminal that way, instead
> of using a terminal emulator like the one in Applications -> Accessories
> -> Terminal? Most people find that more convenient.
Hi Mario
    My resolution went all haywire.  The desktop was so screwed up i 
couldn't use any applications. I was trying to write a line in a .conf file.
Since then I repartioned and reinstalled and everything seems to be 
working great, with 1 exception rythembox.  I switched to Amarock

Thanks for your assistance

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