How to properly compile a kernel?

Wolf Canis mr_canis at
Thu Jan 17 17:55:29 UTC 2008

Albert Wagner wrote:
> You might like to try Linux From Scratch:
> ...the ultimate in do-it-yourself flexibility.
> This is what I did for the 5 years before I started using Ubuntu.  You 
> really tire of DIY after awhile, but perhaps you have compelling reasons 
> for doing everything the hard way.
Surely not, but a distribution like Ubuntu can't fit to every possibly
and normally that's not a problem. Have a look at Debian, Fedora, SuSE
and so on.

I haven't any problems, I use Gentoo. But I would like use Ubuntu,
because I like the philosophy, the written form, but that's an other

W. Canis

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