sudo lshw > filename - can't open in gedit

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Jan 16 19:41:33 UTC 2008

On 01/16/2008 09:34 AM, sktsee wrote:

> Gedit did the same thing on my machine. It's caused by some null
> characters being included in the output from lshw, specifically within
> the serial number string from my cdrom device. I believe that the null
> characters fool gedit into thinking the file is a binary data file, and
> gedit won't edit binary files IIRC. After removing the null characters
> and re-saving the file with vim, gedit has no problem with the file.
> lshw probably should strip out the null characters or replace them with
> spaces before sending to standard out.

Ah... thanks. Given that I'm not the only one, I'll file a bug report
thanks again.


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