Flash scripting software

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 15 22:14:44 UTC 2008

On 01/14/2008 07:23 PM, Paul S wrote:
> debian said the following on 01/14/2008 08:30 PM:
>> hi all
>> im looking for some software that will allow me to create SWF files. I
>> looked in the repo and google. both turned up nothing. Do any of you
>> know of any good program that i can compile swf files?
> doesn't openoffice have an export to swf format?

Only Impress and Draw documents, and the export is only a very basic
export to swf. No sound, not controls, etc.

Don't know about flash, but Ubuntu-Studio has quite a few cool apps for
creating video:


Also a little dated, but:

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