How to properly compile a kernel?

kenneth karlsen kkarls2 at
Tue Jan 15 17:12:19 UTC 2008

Josef Wolf wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 10:12:11PM +0100, Josef Wolf wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 07:43:30PM +0100, kenneth karlsen wrote:
>>>> This works so far, but it generates
>>>> linux-image- while the original kernel
>>                       ^^
>>>> was linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic_2.6.22-14.46_i386.  Notice the
>>                                             ^^^
>>>> differences in the version numbers?  Why is apt-get retrieving the
>>>> wrong version of the sources?  How do I get exactly the version which
>>>> was installed by apt?
>>>  From man make-kpkg:   make-kpkg [options] [target [target ...]]
>>> not target options.
>> Well, shows it
>> this way around.  I've tried both and the results are the same.
>>> Skip also make prepare, I have never used it.
>> Can this be the reason for the wrong version information?
> I've just recompiled everything from scratch with targets moved to the
> end of the make-kpkg command line and without "make prepare". Gives the
> same result: wrong version.
> So, how do I get the source that was used to build the kernel that was
> installed by ubuntu gutsy?
I am not sure, I have always used tree from
You could try and see if you get problems with version number. You 
should also check if you need to use --added-patches foo and add patches.
Good luck, Kenneth

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