grub question / mistaken kernel?

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Tue Jan 15 09:56:01 UTC 2008

Anthony Baldwin wrote:
> I installed Linguas OS (PLOS based) and it re-wrote grub.
> Oddly, it played nice with feisty on the other machine on which I had 
> them both running,
> but, on this one, something weird seems to be happening.
> The new grub/menu.lst is giving this to boot the ubuntu partition:
> title Kubuntu 2.6.18
> kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz- BOOT_IMAGE=Kubuntu 
> root=/dev/hda1 splash=silent
> initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img
> Only, it's dapper, and it doesn't have 2.6.18 kernel installed.  It has 
> 2.6.15.
> I seems that the ubuntu/dapper partition is booting of the 2.6.18 kernel 
> on the second partition (linguas os).
> It is successfully booting, but it is not finding certain modules 
> (lib/modules/1.6.18.tex5.lgc/modeuls.dep).
> Everything appears to work, except, it says it can not start the Avahi 
> Daemon (dunno what that is),
> and, it fails to bring up eth0.
> Now, I dug up the dapper install's grub/menu.lst, and it has this:
> title        Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-29-386
> root        (hd0,0)
> kernel        /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-29-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash
> initrd        /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-29-386
> So, I tried to add this:
> title    Kubuntu, kernel 2.6.15
> kernel    (hd0,0)    /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-29-386 BOOT_IMAGE=Kubuntu 
> root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash
> initrd    (hd0,0)    /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-29-386
> to the new list, but that won't boot at all, saying something about 
> image...I didn't quite get that error written down.
> I might just have this all wrong, but, it really seems to me that I'm 
> booting the first partition, the dapper system,
> but using the kernel on the second partition, and, thus, stuff isn't 
> working.
> If I'm way off here, just smack me.
> But, I don't seem to have figured out how to get grub to boot the kernel 
> that IS on the first partition.
> Any ideas?
> Is this NOT a grub issue, but something really hosed in my Ubuntu 
> install (although, it boots)?
> I have not had any real major issues with ubuntu since switching over a 
> year ago, so, this is kind of disappointing.
> I'm sure it's something I've done, though, and not something wrong with 
> ubuntu/dapper.
> thanks
> /tony

heh...would you believe I was apparently correct?
Either that, or I'm very lucky.

What I had added to the grub list the first time was wrong, because I 
had tried to emulate the PCLOS entries, but with the ubuntu parameters, 
and apparently did not correctly point it to the right place to find the 
kernel to boot, as a result.
I went back and just cut/n/pasted in the default first entry from the 
ubuntu menu.lst, without editing it, this time, and, it worked!
Booted and back online.

You...I might still be largely clueless...but, more and more, I end up 
figuring out the resolution to my stupid questions before anyone even 
has a chance to reply...
Perhaps I should not be so hasty to post to the list.

sorry and thanks

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