raid questions

David Koski david at
Mon Jan 14 20:05:45 UTC 2008

On Monday 14 January 2008 05:30, Sean Carolan wrote:
> > If you install to a boot raid1 you don't have to do a thing as the
> > installer will make sure initrd.img has the needed drivers (raid1, md). 
> > If you modify an install to boot from a raid1 partition after the fact,
> > then you need to configure mkinitrd or whatever you use for creating
> > initrd.img.
> Thanks, I wasn't aware that you could do this.  I assume you must use
> the alternate installer to pull this off?  I tried to use the alternate
> installer for my workstation here, but it couldn't handle both RAID1 and
> LVM at the same time.  It choked when I tried to put LVM partitions on
> my RAID1 mirror, hanging for many minutes with no response.  I had to go
> with CentOS5 instead because the installer seems better suited to
> dealing with LVM.

Oops!  I think you asked a different question.  I always use the alternate 
installer in text mode using "expert" mode and manual partitioning.

David Koski
david at

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