boinc manager

Wade Smart wade at
Mon Jan 14 13:02:37 UTC 2008

Matthias Andersson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello!
> How do I set the BOINC related projects only to run when the boinc
> manager is running? At this point have installed the boinc manager from
> the repositories and attached some projects - to my surprise the
> projects are running from start-up of the computer even if boinc manager
> isn't set to run at startup.
> This is annoying since it takes a long time for gnome to start when
> boinc is using up all the resources.
> //Matthias

01142008 0701 GMT-6

Go go System > Preferences > Sessions and check to see if it is listed 
there to start up. I have tried for a long time to get mine to start up 
at boot but cant.


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