nvidia fx5500

steve sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Sun Jan 13 17:54:36 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Paul S wrote:
| steve said the following on 01/13/2008 12:58 AM:
|> i have deleted all downloaded drivers, and removed the driver installed
|> with the gutsy "restricted driver"  none of these have worked thus far.
| snip
|> driver. all it does is spew errors at the end of the xorg error log
|> saying it cannot be enabled. I havent had this much trouble getting x to
| It sound like you have a part of one version and are trying to load a
| different version.  Go into /var/log and in a terminal try searching for
| the "nv" messages.  Look for warnings about mismatch.
| grep -i nv dmesg*
| grep -i nv messages*
| grep -i nv syslog*
| grep -i nv kern.log*
| If it's still a mismatch error message, you have to make sure the old is
| purged completely.
| aptitude purge linux-restricted-modules-2.blah.blah.blah
| Probably the best help in installing nvidia's drivers is from their site:
| http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=14
| hth
all who thought about my problem, thank you.  thats what i wound up
doing last night, found a post on deleting restricted modules.  good
lord i had 3 of them still installed and expected it to work. deleted
all 3, installed the binary from nvidia site, now works fine.

my only question is, why doesnt the installer take care of deleting the
old drivers??  i know the nvidia driver warns you it will "try" to
remove old drivers....when your running root, i thought all was
possible! whats so difficult about rm -r xxxx ? and the directory is
gone. no one should have problems like that when trying to install a
driver, thats crazy.

thanks again.


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