nvidia fx5500

steve sfreilly at roadrunner.com
Sun Jan 13 02:12:10 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1


been using ubuntu since 5.x never had any problems at all until today.
anyone succesfully get this pci card working on gutsy?  I just bought it
as a replacement for my old agp mx4000 something or other.  first thing
after installing it i made sure in bios pci vga was selected, i did a
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.  reboot, no xserver.  did the same
thing again, this time i got x but in "low res" mode.  which led me to
think to update the driver.  downloaded the latest from nvidia site,
install, it configured x by itself.  reboot.  back to low res mode!!
800x600.  wtf.  downloaded the legacy driver, installed, configured,
reboot, low res again?  tried the other legacy driver on the nvidia
site, and systematically went down the list into the older ones, but
none have worked so far.  i also tried the "restricted driver" nvidia
driver option in gutsy that didnt work either.  whats really frustrating
is that xorg.conf shows as using nvidia driver, but when i run nvidia
settings it says im not using the nvidia driver?

as  of right now, after running dpkg-reconfigure, its showing the driver
as nvidia, and recognized my monitor correctly but still no 3d.  is this
card even supported? i dont think its that new really.

i have googled to death, and read many posts in ubuntu forums and
elsewhere, tried everything these others have to no avail,  im about
ready to bring the card back and get another mx if i can even find one
anymore, that thing was rock solid, and im done with 800x600 cant get
anything more than that.

current xorg.conf is here  http://pastebin.com/m2bac0af5

thank you


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