Need HELP on setting NetGear wireless adapter wg111v2

Larry Shields larry at
Sat Jan 12 18:01:35 UTC 2008

Dick Dowdell wrote:
> What model number and version?
> On Jan 12, 2008 9:55 AM, Larry Shields <larry at 
> <mailto:larry at>> wrote:
>     *I am looking for anyone that has sucessfully installed there NetGear
>     Wireless adapter and how you went about getting it to work...
>     I have tried using Ndiswrapper-1.51 the latest ver. but to know
>     avail...
>     I have also tried using the drivers from the CD that came from the
> <> people who setup my wifes XP
>     computer with the router...
>     WINXP drivers & WINME drivers plus a few others but still it's a
>     no-go operation here...
>     Now here is something else that I have found out, having a problem
>     in setting the essid with iwconfig wlan0 essid "name" does not
>     work, it shows ESSID: Off/Any and will not except the essid command...
>     But if I change the mode setting from managed to ad-hoc, I then
>     can set the essid, that works...But then again I can not connect
>     for I am in the wrong mode setting...Changing it back too managed removes
>     the essid that I had...
>     So at this point I am at a loss on what to do, so as I have
>     mentioned if anyone has successfully installed the right driver,
>     plus the configuration on how they set up there wireless adapter I
>     sure would like to hear from you...
>     Thanks to anyone that will respond concerning this issue...
>     Larry
>     *
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> Regards,
> Dick Dowdell
> 508-498-7919/508-528-4018 
*The model number I mentioned in the subject line...
The version of what if your asking what the wireless adapter version,
that I have no idea, since it does not say on the unit...But the device
is the (0846:6A00) which is present...

Thanks Larry

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