
anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at comcast.net
Fri Jan 11 20:31:17 UTC 2008

Carl Spitzer wrote:
> I was given a HP Net PC 20 which is a PII 333 with 128mb memory.
> I think that lets out both kubuntu and ubuntu as too little memory.
> Will this thing run Xbuntu?  
> Is there a live CD I can test?

Sounds like a candidate for Fluxbuntu, to me, or,
failing that, DSL (Damn Small Linux).


Anthony Baldwin
http://www.BaldwinLinguas.com - Translation & Interpreting

http://www.LinguasOS.org - Linux for Translators

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño,
y se gloría de grandes cosas.
He aquí, ¡un pequeño fuego ­cuán grande bosque enciende!

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