Dropping SSH connections over the internet

Luis Mondesi lemsx1 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 19:52:48 UTC 2008

On Jan 11, 2008 12:37 PM, Hal Burgiss <hal at burgiss.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 11, 2008 at 10:32:27AM -0500, Luis Mondesi wrote:
> >
> > The reason I know it's 2 different things is because we use 2
> > different methods to connect to the same remote network. 1 from home
> > over public internet (timeout). 2 from one office on one location over
> > a private T1 going to a different router.
> I'll add maybe a third scenario. I have at least six ssh sessions from
> home (DSL service with Ubuntu OS) to work (various Linux) 24/7. Every
> two or three days these all hang. Eventually, after maybe an hour I
> get a message about the connection and the prompt comes back. I
> can open another terminal and reconnect right away in the meantime or
> even kill the comatose sessions and reconnect, so it is not a server
> problem per se.
> I have had this happen while I am at the keyboard and it has almost
> always been during bad weather, like storms anywhere in the area. Not
> necessarily bad storms either, just some lightning here or there.
> Keepalive settings don't seem to help at all. Not all the disconnects
> are storm related, those are just the ones I have witnessed. My theory
> is some kind of packet corruption that "scares" the sshd end into not
> responding, and the connection dies because of tcp timeout. But just
> a wild theory. I'd love to know answer myself.

And you are not talking about Linksys wireless routers right? Because I know
those drop a ridiculous number of connections, especially the wireless
variety. Netgear and other vendors are rock solid. (This is all from my own
experience of changing my Linksys routers once per year because they just
pooh out. Since I switched vendors I've been running for about 2 years with
no issues).

Luis Mondesi
Maestro Debiano

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