Dropping SSH connections over the internet

Alex Janssen alex at ourwoods.org
Fri Jan 11 04:02:40 UTC 2008

I regularly connect from home to a Linux box hidden behind a router at 
work via SSH.  Most times it is reliable. Other times the connection 
just stops.  I guess my packets just stop getting to the server.  I can 
logon immediately with another shell, so the server appears to be ok.  
Some times the second connection will be interrupted as well.  Then I 
can start a third and so on.  Other nights, it is rock solid.  I can 
transfer files with scp and login multiple times to run a bunch of apps.
Anyone got any ideas?  I'd like to know if there is something I could do 
about it, within reason.


 Any system that depends on reliability is unreliable. (34)

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