Inconsistent /tmp Sizes

Kenneth Jacker khj at
Thu Jan 10 18:42:39 UTC 2008

  marty> df will report the filesystem usage in this case of sda6 not
  marty> of just the /tmp directory.

But /tmp is *mounted* onto /dev/sda6 (i.e., a separate file system
just for /tmp).

I know there are i-nodes, superblocks, etc. as well, but those
wouldn't account for the *huge* amount of usage I'm seeing.

  marty> The size of the tmp directory will change size while the
  marty> machine is in use as its where temporary files are stored ...

Of course.

  marty> ... and is cleared out usually upon reboot.


In addition, applications that use /tmp have the obligation to release
their *temporary* storage.  I have used Unix/Linux for *decades* and
have never seen /tmp fill up with just the passage of time.

Something else is going on here!

  marty> Sorry if i have misunderstood your post and this isnt what
  marty> the issue is.

No problem ... thanks for participating in the discussion!


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